Artikel / Doktor- und Masterarbeiten
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Gesamte Zeitschrift: Scenario
Maik Walter (Hrsg.) Fremdsprache Deutsch Nr. 62, 2020: Performative Didaktik.
Laura Loder Büchel, Nikola Mayer (Eds.) Languages on the Move (themed issue): Babylonia 3/2019.
Janzen Ulbricht, Natasha. (17 Juli 2020). The Embodied Teaching of Spatial Terms: Gestures Mapped to Morphemes Improve Learning. Frontiers in Education.
Bora, Simona Floare (7 Februar 2020). Curtain Up! Enhancing L2 Spontaneous and Authentic Speaking Opportunities through Play Scripts and Drama-based ApproachesC. RELC Journal.
Laura Loder Büchel, Nikola Mayer (Hg.) Languages on the Move (Themenausgabe): Babylonia 3/2019.
Fiona Dalziel, Erika Piazzoli. 2019 (Artikel) „It comes from you”: Agency in adult asylum seekers’ language learning through Process Drama in: Language Learning in Higher Education – Journal of the European Confederation of Language Centres in Higher Education (CercleS): 18.07.2019 | DOI:
Jordi Casteleyn. 2019. (Artikel): „Improving public speaking in secondary education ― Exploring the potential of an improvisation training“. Open Access:
Dissertationen und Masterarbeiten
Kung Man Matthew Cheung. 2021. (Doktorarbeit) Towards principles of performative pedagogy: Drama and additional language development (DALD)
Petra Schappert. 2020. (Doktorarbeit): Mit Dramagrammatik zu grammatikalischer Kompetenz: Eine empirische Untersuchung im Rahmen von Alphabetisierungskursen für Erwachsene. Tectum Wissenschaftsverlag
Georgina Dragovic. 2019. (Doktorarbeit): Fremdsprachenunterricht (ent-)dramatisieren: Eine empirische Untersuchung zur Effizienz des dramapädagogischen Ansatzes im schulischen DaF-Unterricht mit speziellem Fokus auf Grammatik.
Dany Weyer. 2019. (Doktorarbeit) Investigating trust in a multilingual theatre project: Potentialities for a humanising pedagogy. A case study of a multilingual theatre project of a primary school class and a video ethnographic that explored details of classroom practices, (inter-)actions, and activities. Open Access:
Silja Weber. 2018. (Doktorarbeit) „The Role of Performance for Student Agency – a Discourse Perspective on Whole Group Interaction in Intermediate German Classes“. via ProQuest oder die Autorin.
Simona Floare Bora . 2018. (Doktorarbeit). Beyond the mere word. Exploring the language of Drama through text- and performance-based approaches for developing L2 oral skills. Open Access):
Kathleen R. McGovern. 2016. (Masterarbeit): „Performing Language and Identities: Adult Immigrant Students and the Creation of a Play“. Open Access: