Presentations / Vorträge 2023
Presentations in English
Sukhesh Arora: Counter Imaginaries : Toward a new cartography of agency
Laurie Clark: Minimizing L2 Speaking Anxiety through Drama Pedagogy
Zoe Hogan: “A drip of ink and then whoa”: Building group flow through co-creation
Zeljka Prelevic and Manuela Lupsa: “Not all things can be expressed in words.” Design for learning in a drama and language integrated university course
Jaroslava Swoboda: Democracy Through Theatre: A Pedagogical Perspective
Serena Cecco’s presentation: Embodying the unstranslatable_presentation
Stefanie Giebert’s script: word treasure hunt
Vorträge auf Deutsch
Andrea Retelj: Dramapädagogische Ansätze als Teil der Praxisphase in DaF-Lehrerausbildung in Slowenien
Aneta Bučková: Mehrsprachiges Slavistik Theater – ein Pilotprojekt