Registration DiE Days 2022 on-site in Kempten, 17th/18th June 2022

Registration is closed. If you still want to register, please contact Eva Göksel or Stefanie Giebert.

Please pay the conference fee to the following bank account. It is very important that you state the PK number inlcuding the three 000 at the beginning AND your name in the reference. Otherwise the bank in Munich will not be able to allocate your payment to the correct account! If you have registered for the conference dinner, please also indicate that in the reference (“incl. conference dinner”).

Reference: PK Nummer: 0002.0177.5383. (+ your name)

BANK: Bayerische Landesbank München
ACCOUNT OWNER: Staatsoberkasse Bayern
ACCOUNT: 1279282 BLZ: 700 500 00
IBAN: DE74 7005 0000 0001 2792 82