
For a first orientation some books that might be now be considered “classics” on the field of drama in language teaching plus articles giving a research overview. (Please note: Some books are in German)

Schewe, Manfred, and Shaw, Peter, eds. (1993) Towards Drama as a Method in the Foreign Language Classroom. Frankfurt am Main: Lang

Tselikas-Portmann, Elektra. (1999) Dramapädagogik im Sprachunterricht. Schwerpunkt Unterrichtspraxis. Zürich: Orell Füssli.

Brauer, Gerd. (2002). Body and Language: Intercultural Learning through Drama. Advances in Foreign and Second Language Pedagogy. Ablex Publishing, Westport, CT. W

Even, Susanne (2003). Drama Grammatik: Dramapädagogische Ansätze für den Grammatikunterricht Deutsch als Fremdsprache. München: Iudicium.

Huber, Ruth. (2003) Im Haus der Sprache wohnen: Wahrnehmung und Theater im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Reihe Germanistische Linguistik 238. Tübingen: Niemeyer.

Maley, Alan, & Duff, Alan. (2009). Drama techniques (3. ed., 4. print.). Cambridge [u.a.]: Cambridge Univ. Press.

Overview articles

Schewe, Manfred. (2013). “Taking Stock and Looking Ahead: Drama Pedagogy as a Gateway to a Performative Teaching and Learning Culture.” Scenario, no. 01 (January 13, 2019).

George Belliveau & Won, Kim. (2013) “Drama in L2 Learning: A Research Synthesis.” Scenario 2013, no. 02 (January 6, 2014).