Drama in Education Days 2024 & Padua Summer School
It’s the 10th anniversary of the Drama in Education Days and this year, from 22-26 July, 2024, we are teaming up with the summer school on “Inclusive practices in performative approaches to language and (inter)cultural learning” at the University of Padua, Italy.
It is aimed at Master’s students, PhD students, young researchers, scholars and practitioners in the area of (second) language and (inter)cultural learning who already engage in or would like to become involved in performative activities and to conduct research into these.
The language of the Summer School is English, but there will be parallel workshops in French and Italian. A maximum of 50 participants will be able to sign up for the Summer School. There will be no fee, but participants will be expected to make their own travel and accommodation arrangements.
If you are interested, you will have to apply for a place with the summer school organisers
by April 8, 24: https://paint.disll.unipd.it/